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Cycling to work

Cycle to Work Day is celebrated on August 1. Whether you’re an avid cycler or it’s been a while since you last hopped on a bike, the day is an opportunity to recognise first-hand the numerous benefits of incorporating cycling into our daily routines.  

From an occupational health perspective, this event is more than just a single day of pedalling to work, it’s an opportunity to explore the significant mental, physical, and financial advantages that extend far beyond the immediate thrill of the ride. Let’s explore why cycling (especially to work) is an excellent activity not just on Cycle to Work Day, but throughout the year.   

Health benefits of cycling

Engaging in regular cycling has numerous positive benefits to your physical and mental health. Cycling to work is an easy way to squeeze your weekly quota of recommended exercise into your routine without needing to go out of your way to visit a gym or hit the pavement running. This has flow-on effects on your:  

  • Cardiovascular health: Regular cycling boosts heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to the British Heart Foundation, cycling just 20 miles a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 50%.
  • Mental health: Cycling is a natural stress reliever. It promotes the circulation of oxygen to the brain and the release of endorphins, which help improve mood and reduce anxiety. A study by Mind found that physical activities, including cycling, can reduce the risk of depression by up to 30%.
  • Joint health: Unlike high-impact activities such as running, cycling is gentle on the joints, making it a suitable exercise for individuals of all ages, including those with arthritis.
  • Weight management: Cycling is an effective way to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. On average, a person cycling at a moderate pace burns around 500 calories per hour, making it an excellent addition to any fitness routine.

Other benefits

While there are undeniable benefits to your health, cycling has other flow-on impacts to your wallet and the environment.   

  • Cost savings: Cycling is a cost-effective mode of transportation. You save on public transport costs, fuel, parking fees, and vehicle maintenance. Over time, these savings can add up.  
  • Environmental impact: Choosing to cycle over other forms of transport like driving or public transport can help reduce your carbon footprint. According to Statista, the average UK car commute emits about 164 grams of CO₂e per km. In contrast, cycling produces zero emissions. 

Impacts in the workplace

Cycling to work benefits employees in the workplace too, promoting a healthier more productive workforce.  

  • Reduced absenteeism: Regular physical activity, like cycling, strengthens the immune system, leading to fewer sick days. According to Cycling UK, cycle-commuting employees take one less sick day per year than non-cyclists saving the UK economy almost £83m. 
  • Enhanced productivity: Employees who cycle to work often arrive feeling more energised and alert. A boost in physical activity can lead to improved concentration, memory, and higher overall productivity. 
  • Stress reduction: Commuting by bike can significantly reduce stress levels compared to driving. The physical activity combined with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors can help employees start their day on a positive note. 
  • Team building: Workplaces that offer cycle-to-work schemes and promote group cycling events or challenges can foster a sense of community and teamwork among employees. Plus, it’s a fun and healthy way to build stronger workplace relationships and meet new people.  

In summary…

Cycle to Work Day is a fantastic opportunity to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. By embracing cycling as a regular year-round activity, employees can reap numerous positive health benefits and enhance their workplace wellbeing.  

Happy cycling! 

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